Thursday, April 16, 2009

My First Official Post!

I am an avid reader of so many blogs, but have never had one of my own--until now! Drumroll please...I am officially a blogger!

What, may you ask, prompted me to FINALLY start this journey?

My oldest nephew, Jake, became LION OF THE QUARTER today at West Jordan Middle School.
Congrats, Jake!

His younger brother, Derek, hit his FIRST HOME RUN in baseball last week.
Way to go, Derek!

My neice, Megan, hussled like no other (and from what I hear, looked darn cute doing it!) in her first baseball game ever.
Now, if that doesn't get me off to a great start as a blogger, I can't imagine what would!


Jake said...

Hey! Nice Blog! :) Thanks for the post about me, I feel important! Haha, Awesome Blog!

Jake said...

Hey you're a blogger! Very cute blog by the way. Will you help me make mine as cute as yours? Meg has been counting down the minutes until her sleepover tonight. Can Derek come for the movie part? He has had croup so we don't want you to deal with that all night...but he really wants to hang out with you tonight.

Jake said...

That comment was from me (Nat) not Jake. I'm not sure why it thought I was Jake.

Natalie said...

Hey Mel. thank you for talking about me on your blog! From, Megan

Marilyn said...

Way to go!! Your blog looks great. I like the way you introduce Jake, Derek, and Megan. How did you figure out how to do the background? It is very cute.

Ammie said...

Welcome, new blogger! It looks great! I'm so glad you're doing a blog now and I love your blog name.

jen said...

It's late and I'm snoopin' around on the internet and found your blog. It's fun! Natalie's kids are lucky to have you for an aunt. I'm a pretty cool aunt myself. We should start a cool aunt club;)! I like your 50 things list.