Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Six Month Check Up

Carson had his six month check-up today. Here are his stats:

Weight: 19.1 lbs (75th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 18.5 cm (off the charts!)

I was a little surprised at his weight this time around. I thought for sure he was somewhere in the twenties. He has only gained 1.5 lbs since his last visit at four months old. My back and knees are telling me a different story! His height stayed the same, even though he seems so much longer to me! He had to get four shots, all of which he was VERY MAD about. The patients in the waiting room could hear the screaming it was so loud. He promptly passed out in the car after from exhaustion. Overall, he is growing as he should be. He has been fortunate to be a very healthy baby from day one. Hopefully, that good health continues through the winter months.

Carson does pretty well at sitting up on his own now. He loves playing with his toys and anything he can fit into his mouth! He especially loves musical toys and those that make noise. He is rolling onto his stomach at light speed, but hasn't quite figured out how to get back over just yet. He loves the kitty and laughs whenever she walks by or gets close to where he is sitting.

We are excited to try all of the new approved foods now that he is six months old. I will be surprised to see what he turns away, if anything. So far, he has loved everything we have put in his mouth!

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