Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Carson had his first experience with camping over the weekend. He did surprisingly well! He loved being outdoors and going for walks in his stroller. He also loved all of the ohs and ahs he got from Wally's friends. He tends to be the center of attention wherever he goes! It was a lot of work packing for just one night! Overall, we had a good time, although I could have done without the bugs.:)

Apparently, I forgot I brought my camera because we only ended up with one real camping picture. One of Wally's friends was dressed very similar to Carson, so they took a picture and sent it to us. I will be better about picture taking next time around, for sure!

Helping me shop for camping food

Waiting in the car...Let's go already!


Happy to be back home sleeping peacefully in mom and dad's bed

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