Friday, May 15, 2009


We had an appointment at the vet yesterday for our cat, Loser. Wally and I both noticed that she had been losing a lot of the hair on her tail. She is a long haired cat with a very thick coat, so it started to look strangely suspicious. Also, she has been extra whiny over the past few weeks. I thought it would be a good idea to play it safe and take her in for a check up. The vet checked her out, ran blood tests, etc, etc and diagnosed her with…

Anxiety and stress—what?

I guess our recent move and change of environment had more of an effect on her than we realized. Apparently, her level of stress is such that she has even stopped grooming herself properly. Does this cat looked stressed out to you?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m very grateful that nothing is seriously wrong with her physical health. I am quite attached to this cat and would have a hard time if anything happened to her. But her mental health? We always knew she had some “issues”, which explains a bit of the reasoning behind her name, but we never had concrete evidence until now. I guess some extra TLC and pampering is in order!


Marilyn said...

Cute posting! No, she doesn't look particularly stressed. I have always envied cats becuase they look so totally relaxed and oblivious to the stress around them. Here's hoping Loser can get back to that status.

Natalie said...

Funny post! She is the most pampered pet around. Maybe she needs to hang out over at my house for a while...then she would appreciate how great she has it over there! I'm glad nothing too serious is wrong!!!