Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Big Four Seven

Today is Wally's 47th birthday.
to my sweet husband!!

Wally's "Big Day" is the 6th in a line of seven birthdays we celebrate in our family during the month of June. Before Wally and I got married, I celebrated a grand total of two birthdays in June. Taking on the task of celebrating and gift shopping for five additional birthdays in a single month should have been part of our vows! We joke that there is a pre-requisite for anyone who marries into our family, and that is...said person can NOT have a June birthday. We simply can't squeeze in one more celebration. Ha Ha! By the end of June, we are plum tuckered out (by we I mean me)!

Wally was born in Murray, Utah. Shortly thereafter, he and his family moved to sunny California, which is where he spent most of his childhood years. Along with this move began his love for the St. Louis Rams (formerly the L.A. Rams). Although his family eventually moved back to Utah, he remained a California boy at heart. He loves the beaches, the ocean, and don't even get me started on his longing for a trip to Disneyland. I'm pretty sure that our next vacation will revolve around The Happiest Place on Earth. Quite fitting for someone who, for the most part, is one of the happiest people I know. He is even happy first thing waking up in the morning--this 'craziness' of being happy and cheerful before 9 am is foreign to me! Even when life is dragging him down, he is able to find something positive out of the situation and focus his energy there. It is a rare occasion to find Wally feeling melancholy or sad. He is the YIN to my YANG. His cheerful outlook on life often stabilizes my occasional sour mood. Thank goodness for that!

Wally and granddaughter, Sydney
Wally is kind-hearted, giving of his time, loving, silly, stubborn, quick witted, straight forward in his thoughts and actions, social, hard working, energetic and loyal. He will do just about anything to help out his family or friends in need. Wally is a true SOCIAL BUTTERFLY! He thoroughly enjoys spending time with his friends, most of whom he has known since what seems like the dawn of time. His friends are a very important part of his life.
Wally and granddaughter, Payten
I can't blog about Wally without mentioning his love for sports, specifically FOOTBALL. Some people (me!) would say it borderlines on obsession. I once bought a t-shirt for him that read "FOOTBALL IS LIFE". That statement pretty much sums it all up! He loves the sport so much he became a little league/high school referee. One Saturday last season he refereed five games in a single day lasting from 8 am - 6 pm. For a good part of the day, there was snow/sleet/rain/what I would consider miserable conditions. Upon arriving home in clothes soaked through and through, I expected him to complain about having to ref in such poor weather. Instead, all he could talk about was how much he enjoyed teaching the kids about football and watching them play what is apparently the BEST SPORT EVER INVENTED!

Mel & Wally, Cove Fort
After a somewhat somber conversation about what each of us wants should we pass away before the other, Wally told me that when he dies he wants to be buried in his St. Louis Rams football jersey and matching ball cap. He wants nothing to do with a suit and tie or a formal service. Instead, he would like a "rockin" party held in his honor (and to be dressed head to toe in Rams gear). So telling of his personality!

Wally and daughter, Ammie

(anyone notice the common theme of his attire?)
I think we have ourselves a #1 Rams Super Fan!!


Marilyn said...

What a lovely tribute to your husband. He and Derek (and your dad) are in a special club called "Obsessed with Sprots"!

Marilyn said...

Sorry! I really can spell "sports"!!!!

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday Wally! That was a great post about him. The pictures were super cute. I especially loved the picture of him with the casket in the background. haha.

Ammie said...

Happy Birthday Dad! That was a great tribute and summed you up perfectly! Hope you had a great day. Love you both!!!