Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wally's Favorite Time of the Year!

Football season in the Powell household has officially begun!
(Let's be honest, does it ever really end?)
Along with all of the NFL football being watched on television, Wally referees high school football during the week and little league football on the weekends. He even got to officiate at his first Varsity game last Friday! A lot of his energy and spare time are spent preparing for and participating in these games. It's fun watching him being directly involved in something he has a true passion for.
Come rain, shine, sometimes even snow, he LOVES every minute of it!!


Natalie said...

What a cute referee!

Ammie said...

Yay Stripes! Go Dad!

Happy Birthday Melanie, You couldn't be any sweeter and I hope you have a great day.
I love your blog. You have some great pictures on here.
Love Ya!

Marci said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a blog! Where have I been? And today is your birthday too? Have a happy birthday! :) Your blog is awesome I can't wait to check it all out. Your post about Natalie brought tears to my eyes. She really is amazing . . . and how wonderful you are best friends. I know she feels so blessed to have you in her life as well.