Thursday, November 18, 2010

26 Weeks

Today marks 26 weeks! I’m still amazed at how quickly this pregnancy is passing by. I have a feeling that the next month or so will fly by in a flash with Thanksgiving and Christmas right around the corner. I can’t help but be so thankful, especially at this time of year, for this little blessing we’ve been given. How fortunate we are to have such a supportive family as well as access to such amazing resources. Never do I take for granted the efforts it took from a large circle of people to get to where we are today. We are so, so blessed!!

I had a bit of a scare today. I’ve been noticing over the past week that the little guy’s daily movements haven’t been as frequent as they used to be. I just wasn’t feeling the kicks and jabs that I had been in weeks past. I wasn’t too concerned, but after not feeling anything at all for two days I decided to call my doctor this morning and he told me to come in right away. If I wasn’t concerned before, I was a little now. Luckily, he did an ultrasound and said the baby is doing just fine (heartbeat ok, no cord around the neck, etc.), but he is bundled up in a ball on my top left side which may be why I haven’t been feeling a lot of movement lately. Actually, he’s been bunched up that way for a few weeks now. He has all of this room to move around right now and he chooses to utilize about 1/3 of the space available. Silly boy! I’m just glad he’s OK:)

In an effort to track my weekly belly growth, here’s my 26 week pic:


Marilyn said...

I am glad you went to your doctor, and it's nice to know he is doing OK.

Marci said...

You look so great! What a cute little pregnant tummy. My oldest used to do the same thing - not move very much. My doctor used to tell me to drink a Coke to get him moving, and it almost always worked. I don't know how healthy it was though!

Natalie said...

Good to know everything is ok! That's funny that he curls up in a little ball like that :)

Ashley said...

Ha, I didn't look at good at 6 weeks when I am pregnant! You look so great and we are excited to meet that little guy!